Is a satellite dish included in the "permanent fixtures" of a home?

If it is not specifically mentioned in the deed of sale, it is likely that a strong argument can be made out that it is not a permanent fixture. This is because it can be removed fairly easily and is considered an accessory to the portable satellite television decoder. It is also not a standard in most homes, but a luxury, and not necessary for the functioning of the property in the way that, for example, a pool pump is necessary for the ordinary functioning of the pool. Accordingly, the seller can remove it when he vacates the property.

This underlines the importance of listing permanent fixtures to a property in the deed of sale carefully to avoid any unnecessary confusion or conflict which might delay or derail the sale of the property.


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Image courtesy of theantigov.com

04 Aug 2015
Author Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes
591 of 604