Leapfrog Gordon's Bay Tops at the 2015 Annual Convention

The Annual National Convention of Leapfrog Property Group celebrated their 8th anniversary at the popular Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town from the 19th to the 21st of August 2015.

A total of 144 delegates, including agents, franchisees and administrators from all over the country, were treated at this world class venue for three days. The top guest speakers included the popular Douglas Kruger, a professional speaker and five times winner of the South African Public Speaking Championships as well as Prof. Tim Noakes, Co-Founder & Executive Co-Director of Sports & Science Institute of South Africa. Other key speakers were from STBB Attorneys, Private Property and Betterlife who informed and updated the delegates on topics and legislation relating to the real estate industry.

At the spectacular Gala Awards ceremony, the Gordon’s Bay office was awarded a total of eleven awards in various categories, including the award for the Country Franchise for 2015, as well “Top Country Office of the Year”- for Unit Sales and Sales Value, for the 7th consecutive year.

The following criteria are taken into account when awarding the franchise of the year:

  • Sales performance
  • Market share
  • Participation in Leapfrog meetings, training & events
  • Timeous submission of Leapfrog returns
  • Compliance with industry regulations
  • Correct use of Leapfrog corporate identity
  • Interaction with Leapfrog offices and colleagues
  • Client service
  • Office, facilities, signage and visibility
  •  Embracing of Leapfrog culture

“The Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay Franchise has excelled once again and continues to produce excellent results against much bigger branches. This is an excellent achievement for a franchise operating in a small coastal town and a testimony to the dedication and professionalism of the Gordon’s Bay office” says Bruce Swain the Managing Director of Leapfrog Property Group.

“This franchise dominates the market in which it operates, with a market share of over 40%. The principal of this office is a firm believer in direct marketing, encouraging his agents to get to know their areas by going door to door and “pressing the flesh”.

The Gordon’s Bay office supports a number of popular community events and initiatives, including sponsoring an annual half marathon, which has grown to one of the biggest and best in the province. This office has been advertising consistently on the local community radio station for the past 18 months, contributing to huge brand awareness of Leapfrog. These initiatives and a strong focus on customer service resulted in registered commission increasing by 14% year on year, even though the size of the market and prices remained static.

This office sets the bar for other estate agencies and therefore has been awarded Leapfrog Country Franchise for 2015, an award which they have won on several occasions, Swain says.”

What is noteworthy is that all of this office’s agents received outstanding achievement awards, including, Henning Van Aswegen, Kobus Bosman, Jeanette Wearing & Elaine Carstens who won a Club Class Awards, Rupert Gous won a Business Class Award, whilst Lee Clarke and Kevin Wearing both won World Class awards (the highest award presented to a Leapfrog agent nationally). The Partnership of Jeanette Wearing and Elaine Carstens also won the award in the category as the Top Country Partnership by Number of Sales.

“We are very blessed and once again this has been a phenomenal year, topping all previous year’s achievements. Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay is regarded as a top estate agency and I attribute these achievements to all the agents in my office, as well as our admin staff who has contributed to our ongoing success due to their hard work, passion and dedication”, says Kevin Wearing, Principal of Leapfrog in Gordon’s Bay.





20 Sep 2015
Author Leapfrog Gordon's Bay
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