Midvaal Libraries launch e-learning centre

The cold couldn’t suppress the excitement amongst Midvaal’s library staff on the morning of 12 June 2014, as they prepared for the official launch of the new Meyerton Library E-learning Centre.  Guests included representatives from Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture & Recreation, officials from the Emfuleni, Lesedi and

Ekurhuleni Municipalities, Midvaal Youth Development Forum, the Early Learning Centres, service providers and HOD’s and MMC’s of the Council.

The E-Learning Centre aims to provide both the community and Council employees with information literacy skills and access to the ICT technologies. In addition, the facility will also be used by the Council for training and development purposes and will bridge the digital divide amongst communities of the wider Midvaal area. At the launch event, the Gauteng Director for Libraries & Archives, Ms Meyer, highlighted the success of Midvaal libraries over the past 14 years, and commended the Municipality for always achieving the maximum output with the limited budget assigned to them from a provincial level. Midvaal Executive Mayor, Councillor Bongani Baloyi, shared his own positive experiences of using Midvaal libraries when he was still at school, and also stressed the importance of libraries as a support-structure for the education and social systems within our communities.

The centre is equipped with 20 workstations which have been installed with the latest Windows software and Microsoft packages, as well internet access. The built-in data projector together with the state-of-the-art drop-down electric screen makes this centre the ideal place for training and development. Basic computer training and other programmes will also be offered through the centre. The facility is already operational, and interested

HOD Mr Mosidi shows the new facility to Mayor Baloyi, Chief Whip Pretorius and MMC Jones residents can contact the Meyerton Library for training schedules or more information regarding services on offer.

Article courtesy of www.midvaal.gov.za


05 Aug 2015
Author Midvaal Libraries launch e-learning centre
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