Preventative measures for property viewings

As we get ready to go back to work on Monday, 1 June 2020, we want to assure you that the safety of our clients and agents cannot be compromised and the COVID-19 health guidelines will be strictly implemented at every level of our operations. To this end we have put a number of measures in place to ensure we keep in-person contact to the absolute minimum while encouraging the necessary hygiene measures by making sanitizers and masks widely and freely available. Leapfrog branches across the country have already made informative materials available, together with best practice guidelines, to help their agents ensure they are fully compliant at all times. While we acknowledge that this 'new normal' will present some challenges, we are confident that as a group, and as a sector, we will find innovative solutions to circumvent the challenges so that we can keep working.

1. High-risk individuals, as well as those experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19 are advised to refrain from attending viewings. 

2. Only pre-qualified buyers and tenants will be permitted to view properties. 

3. Clients and agents are to travel to viewings in separate vehicles. 

4. Only one agent will attend a private viewing. 

5. All physical contact (hand shaking, hugging, etc) between clients and agents must be avoided. 

6. Only private viewings of properties are permitted, and by appointment only. No show houses are permitted.

7. All parties to be made aware of safety measures prior to the viewing. 

8. Hand sanitiser will be made available by agents and all parties are encouraged to make use of it. Similarly, all parties must wear a mask while viewing a property and gloves are highly recommended. 

9. Social distancing measures of staying at least one metre apart are to be adhered to at all times during viewings. 

10.Agents will request that only final decision makers attend viewings. 

11. Sellers/occupants are requested to open all windows for viewings and where possible to vacate the property for the duration of the viewing. 

12. Agents will email relevant links and virtual tours and available properties to potential buyers/tenants and encourage them to only view shortlisted properties.

13. Agents will e-mail links and virtual tours of available properties that meet their criteria to buyers/tenants to enable them to make a shortlist of properties for viewing.

28 May 2020
Author Leapfrog Property Group
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