Spruce up your garden this spring: 5 Quick tips

The season of spring and the cleaning of one's home has gone hand-in-hand for years. A thorough - or spring clean - is a great way to see in the new season and all it has to offer. 

Spring is also the ideal opportunity to show your garden some love, says Silvana Dos Reis Marques, Principal at Leapfrog Pretoria East. 

Regular garden maintenance and updates is an essential part of a healthy, flourishing garden and a garden that's neat, colourful and inviting immediately makes an impression on potential buyers, and adds significant value to your property. 

Take stock 

  • Assess the state of the garden after the winter, paying particular attention to: 

  • Which plants have survived the cold and which didn't 

  • Areas that need to be cleaned, filled or spruced up 

  • Parts of the garden you'd like to try something new in

Clean and clear

Once you know what needs to be done, the next step is cleaning and clearing. Rake up leaves, trim trees, shrubs and bushes and clean garden pots and accessories. You may even want to clean the gutters or hose down the walls. 

Dos Reis Marques believes that starting with a clean - or rather cleared - slate is an important first step in both maintaining and creating a vibrant garde. 

Sort out the soil 

Soil is the lifeblood of any garden, which is why good soil is essential. After the winter it is likely to Assess the condition of the soil by conducting a soil test to help determine which nutrients are missing from the soil. 

Where possible, opt for natural and organic fertilisers and use grass clipping as compost and/or mulch, as this can help to promote the natural equilibrium of the soil, as well as improve water drainage. 

Plant anew

Once the groundwork has been done, decide what to plant and where. Think about the layout in terms of the form and colour of the plants and their flowers. Just like an interior, a garden needs to have a sense of story, style and symmetry. 

Water wise 

Opt for water-wise plants as far as possible. South Africa overall is a dry country and indigenous plants will always do better because they typically require less water because they are cultivated for our climate - and our gardens are their preferred homes. 

28 Sep 2023
Author Leapfrog Property Group
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