Succeed at selling in 2024

Much is made of the property buying process, and rightly so - it's a big decision, a big investment and a big achievement. But the selling of property need not be discounted, as it is equally relevant - whether the owner is selling to go bigger, to go smaller or a myriad of reasons in between, it's a process you want to approach with care and consideration. 

"Selling a property is as significant as buying one, and is certainly similar in that one wants to ensure the process is fast and efficient, with a positive outcome for all parties involved," says Giel Viljoen, Principal at Leapfrog Stellenbosch. 

Drawing on years of experience, Viljoen shares his top tips for streamlining the selling process. 

Think, don't feel

There's no getting away from it - property can be very emotional. Whether it's because you have your heart set on that dream house, or whether you're selling the home where you raised your family, we invest a lot of emotion into the places we choose to call home. 

"With few exceptions, the decision to sell a property is never an easy one - even if the reason for selling is to move onto something bigger and better. We attach emotional value to property and any disruption in this regard can be unsettling," Viljoen shares. 

As such, his advice to sellers is that once you decide you want to sell your property, try to take all the emotion out of it and view it merely as a financial transaction. "Easier said than done but try to prioritise the financial and practical considerations beyond how you feel about the property. You more than likely have a very good reason for selling so keep that as the main consideration when it comes to decisions where the emotion may threaten the rational, such as pricing the property for sale," Viljoen advises. 

Work with a professional

The moment you start thinking about selling your property is the moment to get in touch with a property professional. It is something that will save you time, ensure you make the most money from the transaction, and spare you a lot of administrative (and emotional) hassle. 

Consider that selling a property comes with a lot of paperwork. And not getting the admin right can have far-reaching financial and legal implications.

Property agents know the ins, outs, loopholes and potential pitfalls of the financial and legal documentation, and their job is to guide you through it safely. 

The right price, the first time 

When it comes to pricing a property for sale it's important to find the happy medium - a price the seller feels is reasonable and a price the buyer is willing to pay. Consider that a property that's either overpriced or underpriced is likely to not move on the market.

"Importantly, the value of a property is determined by what the market is willing to pay, regardless of alterations or improvements made to the house by the seller", says Viljoen. As such, it pays to work with a property professional in this regard to ensure the price is just right, in terms of what the property offers and in line with prevailing market conditions. 

29 Feb 2024
Author Leapfrog Property Group
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