A first impression is made within a couple of minutes, sometimes seconds. The saying goes there is no second chance to make a first impression, after all.
This is also true when potential buyers view a property for the first time - their assessment done swiftly and almost imperceptibly, which means the seller wants to ensure the space is styled such that the buyer can envision themself living there.
Enter home staging. Defined by Wikipedia as "the preparation of a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace", home staging is a great way to apply minor but strategic interventions to make the property more appealing to more people.
"Home staging is very effective and it need not cost the seller much money or much time. A few clever bits of moving and rearranging for show day is sometimes all it takes. But it can make a significant difference to how quickly the property sells and can even ensure it sells at the highest possible price," says Elmarie Bester, franchisee at Leapfrog Faerie Glen.
Ahead of time
It may seem disruptive to rearrange furniture or personalise your space, but if your property is on the market, you're planning on moving anyway so tolerating the disruption for the sake of home staging should be a small sacrifice.
Start by decluttering - this is a good idea anyway - as much as possible. Discard or donate things you no longer like, need or use, or that you certainly won't want in your new space. Don't forget about cupboards and storage areas as buyers sometimes want to take a peek inside (and nobody wants somebody else to be overwhelmed by our clutter).
Next start depersonalising as far as possible - take down personal photos and remove any decor items or trinkets that are especially niche. That extensive snow globe collection on the floating shelf next to the TV - it's impressive but unlikely to be to everyone's taste!
"The purpose of depersonalisation is to allow buyers to picture their own belongings in the space so showcasing the home as a neutral canvas really helps with that - it's then up to the potential buyer to "colour" it in with their imagination," says Bester.
It generally goes without saying but take the time to properly clean the space - a clean home not only looks and smells good but also feels pleasant and welcoming. And don't forget about the outside - mow the lawn, trim the shrubbery or even paint the facade.
On the day
Small interventions on show day can make a significant difference to how a property is viewed and experienced.
Bester's advice is to ensure as much natural light as possible fills the space - also for fresh air - and to clear and wipe surfaces like counters and tables, to fluff the cushions, make the beds and pack away as much clutter as possible. "You want the space to be light, for it to have good flow and, as a bonus, to smell really nice. Consider a diffuser or brewing a pot of coffee. Bringing greenery into the main space, be it a fresh bunch of flowers or a beautiful house plant are all things that enhance a space. And it's very achievable," she says.
Of course home staging is entirely optional but bear in mind that potential buyers tend to mostly look at properties in their price range so your property's only points of differentiation may be what it looks and feels like on the day, thanks to staging.
"The final decision for a buyer - beyond price - is typically based on a feeling. And not structure or layout or features. Whatever you can do to evoke that feeling will go a long way in selling your property faster and at a higher price," Bester concludes.