Winter House Hunting Tips

It’s a cold and windy winter’s day and the prospect of staying indoors all weekend long is very attractive.

A lot of potential home buyers feels exactly the same as you do. Which is exactly why you should venture out, brave the elements, and find your dream home during the winter months.

Sure, there might well be fewer homes for sale, but then again – there will be fewer buyers as well. And if you’re really serious about buying a home, you might find your ideal home without having to traipse through 30+ of them.

The benefits of selling and buying in winter

Winter sellers usually have strong reasons for selling their homes during the winter months. Current home owners might be emigrating to another country in a hurry or they need to relocate for a career move. Motivated home sellers are a home buyer’s best friend.

During the winter months there are fewer buyers in the market, minimising the risk of a bidding war. Sellers are also more willing to negotiate, whether it’s on selling price, closing costs, closing date, etc.

If you’re selling your home, winter is a great time to list because it produces competitive results. It encourages potential buyers to get into the game sooner, getting a head start on the homes available and securing a better price. Home buyers tend to be motivated by necessity, they aren’t just shopping around for fun. 

As a potential buyer during the winter months, you'll get to see a property at its worst – which has a hidden upside. If you love a house during the winter months, you'll seriously love it the rest of the year.

What to look out for when viewing homes in winter

Winter will help you to get a realistic view of the home's major systems, like the heating system, roof, gutters, and plumbing. Any exterior and landscaping issues will be evident when the leaves are down and the grass has turned brown. You will also get a realistic glimpse of the neighbourhood at its worst. This will help avoid surprises after the purchase.

Shopping for a new home in winter allows you to see how the home handles the cold. Did you feel cold while looking through the house? Are doors and windows properly fitted and waterproofed? Does the home feel sunny and inviting, or dark and gloomy?

Bear in mind – a major contributor to your new home’s running costs, will be the electricity bill. If the home is struggling to retain heat during the winter months, this could equate to an unpleasant surprise you might not have factored in when budgeting for your new home.

This recent article, by The Business Report outlines the fact that municipal tariffs have increased by a massive 86.5 percent since the beginning of 2008 which contributes to the deterioration in the affordability of home running costs.

On the topic of heating your prospective new home, our Winter House Warmers is a must-read article that gives some cost-effective and innovative ways to warm your home. You might be fortunate enough to find a home which has some of these features (such as ceiling insulation and double-glazed windows) already installed.

When inspecting a home, be sure to look for damage caused by water penetration due to lack of waterproofing and rain damage. Water expands when it freezes, which could lead to cracked or even burst pipes inside and outside the house. A burst pipe in the living room, for example, could lead to severe damage to the floor, furniture and any electronics like televisions or home entertainment systems.

In a related article (4 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Winter), Bertus Visser, Chief Executive: Distribution of PSG Insure,  says it’s important to educate yourself about the risks associated with winter weather to avoid potential financial loss.

It’s freezing and windy outside – be sure to dress warmly when venturing out to find your dream home!

The Leapfrog Property Group

The Leapfrog Property Group offers a fresh and innovative approach to buying, selling, renting and property investments, ensuring the best property deals for clients across South Africa. Armed with our combined credentials and backed by serious financial resources, we are the new face of excellence in the South African market – and we are certainly set to shake things up!

Contact us today for a free valuation on your home.

16 Aug 2016
Author Leapfrog Property Group
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